"Jehovah" is the JW mantra.
To say something as frequently as possible gives focus to it. Endless repetition forms a deep psychological union with something whether real or imagined. In the case of JWs, this name Jehovah also involves the concept of the organisation which is inseparably associated with it. Why do the governing body stress "Keep close to Jehovah's organisation" so repeatedly? Well if there was a god would he care which group you associated with? Of course not -- by churning out the name Jehovah endlessly it is simply brand loyalty the GB are pressing with the hope of seeing the income needed to perpetuate their own crummy sect in a crowded religious market.
The objective of the governing body is to caress the minds of its victims followers with the mantra that they are "Jehovah's people" and as such they are part of his very own private and exclusive organisation.
Everything to do with Jehovah is total fiction with no method of proving it to be true . . . but a balm to the barmy nevertheless.
"Jehovah" is a talisman.
A talisman is a good luck charm, keep saying the word and you will get lucky at Armageddon. Pity Armageddon is also a fiction but carry the Jehovah talisman in your head just in case, it is ideal for comforting the superstitious.